вторник, 11 февраля 2020 г.


Indeed, of all the other autistic people whose autobiographies I've read, Daniel Tammet is one of two I'd most like to meet the other is Dawn Prince-Hughes , and he seems to me to have the warmest personality. View all 7 comments. Tammet additionally has synesthesia, which means he "sees" numbers and letters in colors and shapes. But the publicity doesn't indicate any co-author or ghost writer. Daniel sees numbers as shapes, colours and textures and can perform extraordinary maths in his head. born on a blue day daniel tammet

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Otherwise, this is one story where the condensed version of the TV special bluue actually be preferable, as the stilted style in portions of this text rob it of its due. I fell in love with it and I'm glad I was able to read it.

I myself see words in images or moods as I read them and I know many others that do — and many folk who do gravitate towards the arts in some form. The New York Times. May 30, Cheryl Gatling added it.

born on a blue day daniel tammet

True, he has been incredibly successful in spite of his autism-related limitations he runs birn successful online language learning business, and is considered one of the most socially functional autistic cases ever studied--as a result, he's a scientist's wet dream to studying the brain, savantism, and autism.

He's also a synesthete, which helps him considerably in performing these Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant whose special talents include lightning-fast calculation including calendrical calculation telling on what day of the week any given date will fallamazing facility with languages he currently speaks ten, and has even made up his own language and a near-perfect memory for facts and figures he's the current European record-holder for reciting pi to the greatest number of digits.

Despite early childhood epileptic seizures and atypical behaviour, Tammet received a standard education at local schools.

Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant

Tammet tells a story of seeing a lady bug on a bush when he is walking home from the bus. A rare glimpse into a mind functioning very differently than your mind. One of the issues the author discusses is his lack of feeling toward other classmates. Jan 01, Judy rated it really liked it Shelves: Had I paid more attention and approached the book with a different frame of mind, I may have liked it considerably more than I did.

For his US book tour, Tammet appeared on several television and radio talk shows and specials, including 60 Minutes and the Late Show with David Letterman.

Conversely, test results showed his memory for faces scored at the level expected of a 6- to 8-year-old child in this task. Tammet writes that he wasn't sure how to react as his father collapsed. Most of us have some vague idea of what it means to be autistic, or diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. That should have been either a full chapter or maybe another book. These, then, are the compensations of Daniel's life and my impression was that, despite all the difficulties, he would not wish to lose them.

It also appeared on bestseller lists in the UK, Canada, and Germany, and has been translated into numerous languages.

Nor are all those with synesthesia autistic. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. That's part of the syndrome.

Born of a Blue Day -

It reads as a series of anecdotes strung together; however, that doesn't matter. This is a must read book and one which has stayed with me. The language ability is also hard to understand, in some ways.

born on a blue day daniel tammet

Tammet takes us into his world in this beautiful and fascinating memoir boue lack of a better descriptor written in his mid-twenties. Daniel Tammet is an interesting guy. Perhaps the fact that Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant Asperger syndrome should have prepared me for this monotonous description of his life, which lacks anything a "normal" person would appreciate: As a savant, Daniel Tammet's abilities are extraordinary. He bprn in a long lasting relationship with his partner overcoming issues of becoming emotionally close with another person.

More than that, though, it has made me reflect upon how my own mind works - and, all too often, doesn't work - and to contemplate the fact that we are each of us unique with our own qualities and quirks. I got the impression that he was loving, kind, deeply humble, and authentically bluw about other people and willing to let them into his life.

Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant by Daniel Tammet

When you love someone, virtually anything is possible. More astonishing to me, in some ways, is his ability to learn a new language from scratch to fluency in a week. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. I found it interesting how he described the inner workings of his visual mind, learned the 22 numbers of pi and how he has worked hard to overcome his drawbacks.

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